Quotes From "Who Could That Be At This Hour?" By Lemony Snicket

Nothing firms up a friendship like a good-natured argument.
Nothing firms up a friendship like a good-natured argument. Lemony Snicket
It is good to brush your teeth when you are angry, because you brush harder and do a better job. Lemony Snicket
They were almond cookies, although they could have been made of spinach and shoes for all I cared. I ate eleven of them, right in a row. It is rude to take the last cookie. Lemony Snicket
A secret note is secret. There is no reason to sign it. Lemony Snicket
There are two good reasons to put your napkin in your lap. One is that food might spill in your lap, and it is better to stain the napkin than your clothing. The other is that it can serve as a perfect hiding place. Practically nobody is nosey enough to take the napkin off a lap to see what is hidden there. Lemony Snicket
The map is not the territory, " Snicket's chaperon advises him. "That's an expression which means the world does not match the picture in our heads. Lemony Snicket